DFES Access Portal

Are you a new user?

If you are a new user you will need to create your unique login account.

To create your DFES learning portal account please provide the required personal information and business details.

E-mail Alerts: DFES will require an email address to be assigned so you can receive automatic email alerts.

Assistance contact

If you are experiencing trouble logging in or have any enquiries in relation to a specific training course, please email the relevant contact below:

Bushfire Risk Management Planning / System (BRMP / BRMS) - BRMSsupport@dfes.wa.gov.au

Australian Warning System (AWS) - statepublicinfo@dfes.wa.gov.au

Contractor HSE Induction / Flamethrower - ucl@dfes.wa.gov.au

Bushfire Fundamentals / Rural Fire Awareness - BCoE@dfes.wa.gov.au

DRFAWA and Recovery - recoverycapability@dfes.wa.gov.au